肯尼·罗杰斯(Kenny Rodgers)3月21日在家中病逝,享年81岁。他1999年发表的作品《The Greatest》,是棒球史也是体育史上最伟大的作品之一。
The GreatestKenny Rogers – She Rides Wild Horses

Little Boy, in a baseball hatStands in the field with his ball and batSays I am the greatest player of them allPuts his bat on his shoulder and he tosses up his ball
And the ball goes up and the ball comes downSwings his bat all the way aroundThe world’s so still you can hear the soundThe baseball falls to the ground
Now the little boy doesn’t say a wordPicks up his ball, he is undeterredSays I am the greatest there has ever beenAnd he grits his teeth and he tries it again
And the ball goes up and the ball comes downSwings his bat all the way aroundThe world’s so still you can hear the soundThe baseball falls to the ground
He makes no excuses, He shows no fearsHe just closes his eyes and listens to the cheers
Little boy, adjusts his hatPicks up his ball, stares at his batSays I am the greatest the game is on the lineAnd he gives his all one last time
And the ball goes up like the moon so brightSwings his bat with all his mightAnd the world’s so still as still can beAnd the baseball falls, and that’s strike three
Now it’s supper time and his mama callsLittle boy starts home with his bat and ballSays I am the greatest that is a factBut even I didn’t know I could pitch like that
Says I am the greatest that is understood but even I didn’t know I could pitch that good
《The Greatest》MV。肯尼·罗杰斯在70、80年代三次获得格莱美奖。这首歌帮助他在2000年重返Billboard乡村音乐榜的榜首。