Cleanup hitter 清垒打者Fourth batter in the lineup and usually the one with the most power on the team. 打线中的第四棒,通常是球队中力量最大的。
Clear the bases 清空垒包When a hit scores all the runners on base. 打者让垒上跑垒员全部得分。
Clutch 关键球A strong performance in a pressure situation. 在压力局面下的强力表现。That was a clutch hit.这是一个关键安打。He’s one of the team’s most clutch hitters。他是球队关键球的打者之一。
Closer 终结者The team’s best relief pitcher. Pitches the ninth inning in a save situation. 球队最好的中继投手。保局时投第九局。
Change up 变速球An off-speed pitch that is mostly straight and looks like a fastball, but may have sinking action or arm side run. 一个慢速的投球,看上去像快速直球,但是可能会有一个下沉或投手手臂侧的位移。
Chin music 下颚粉碎球When a pitcher throws one up and in to the hitter (near his head).投手投出的离打者头部近的内角高球。

Come backer  返回投手球A ball hit back at the pitcher.击球员击出的直接打向投手的球。

Count 球数The number of balls and strikes on a batter.对一个打者的好球和坏球数。
3-2 = three balls and two strikes 3球2击/3坏球2好球1-1 = one ball and one strike 1球1击/1坏球1好球
Crooked number 弯曲比分When a team scores 2 or more numbers in an inning, they’ve hung a crooked number on the scoreboard.球队在一局得分2分或更多,在记分牌上显示弯曲的比分(0和1是直直的)。

Curveball 曲线球A breaking ball that curves downward more than it curves from side-to-side.更多是向下拐弯而不是左右拐弯的变化球。
还被称为:Curve, hammer, Uncle Charlie, Deuce, Hook12-6 curveball: breaks straight down (like 12 to 6 on a clock)12点6点曲线球,直向下的曲线球
1-7 curveball: breaks from 1 to 7 on a clock (11/5 for lefties)1点7点曲线球,从1点方向变到7点方向的曲线球,左投就是11点5点方向
Knuckle curve: a grip variation in which the pitcher rests hisindex finger knuckle on the ball指关节曲球:投手把食指关节抵住球的一种握球变化。
Power curve: a curveball that is thrown extremely hard强力曲线球:特别有力的曲线球
Cutoff man 打截球员Infielder who receives a distant throw from the out fielder for the purpose of making a relay throw or causing the play to come to an end.为了接力传球或终结局面的目的,接外场手远距离传球的内场手。

Cutter (cut fastball) 卡特球(切球)A fastball that curves very slightly and is nearly as fast as astandard fastball带有少许曲线的快速,几乎和标准快速球一样快。
Cycle 满贯A player hits for the cycle when they hit a single, double,  triple and homerun in the same game.一位球员在一场比赛中打出一垒安打、二垒安打、三垒安打和本垒打。

Double 二垒安打Reaching second on a base hit.通过安打上到二垒。
The hitter doubled in his second at-bat.这位打者的第二个打席打出二垒安打。

Double play 双杀When two outs are recorded on the same play.在一个局面下录得两个出局。
They turned a double play.他们打出了双杀。
The throw is just in time to complete the double play; and the pitcher gets out of the jam with a clutch double play.这个及时的传球完成了双杀;靠这个关键的双杀投手渡过了难关。

Dropped third strike 不死三振On the third strike, the catcher must catch it in the air, or else the batter is allowed to run to first base if it is not occupied. The catcher will have to tag the runner or throw him out at first.在投手第三颗好球时,捕手必须直接在空中接住,否则打者允许跑向一垒。捕手只能通过触杀或者传一垒将其杀出局。关于不死三振规则的演变,可参考《不死三振:一条怪异棒球规则的前世今生》
Ducks on the pond 池塘里的鸭子When there are multiple runners on base.有多个跑垒员在垒上时。

Earned run 投手责任失分A run that scores without the help of any fielding errors.没有任何防守失误情况下的得分。

ERA (earned run average) 投手防御率A primary pitching statistic – earned runs divided byinnings multipled by 9.投手基本统计数据,投手责任失分除以所投局数乘以9。

Error 失误When a fielder misplays a ball and does not record an out.因防守球员的失误而没有造成出局。

Extra innings 延长局If tied after nine innings, the game will continue on, one inning at a time, until one team is ahead after both teams have batted in that inning.如果九局后打平,比赛继续,每次延长一局,直至两个队在都进攻后分出胜负。

Fastball 快速球The hardest, straightest pitch a pitcher throws. Most easily located for a strike.投手投出的最快最直的球。最容易定位的好球。
4-Seam fastball (four-seamer) 四缝线快速球Straightest, fastest fastball 最直最快的快速球Two-seam fastball (two seamer) 二缝线快速球Fastball with slight arm side run 稍微向投球手臂侧拐的快速球Lingo 其他称谓:heater, gas, cheeseHe reared back and threw a heater right by him.他向后一步然后向打者投出一记快速球。

Find a gap (or hole) 发现空挡Something players say to each other, encouraging them to get a hit that drops safely between the infielders or outfielders.球员之间互相鼓励,击出安全落在内场手或外场手之间空挡的球。
